~ Assemble/Reassemble ~
Assemble/Reassemble, 2019, wood, plexiglass, mylar, digital projection, 2D and 3D animation, 24x35x38” (table), 12x21” (screen), 6:40 min.
This work explores the formation and reformation of hybrid, creature-like beings. The effort to fix the image in place becomes disrupted in this time-based work. Pieces of images move through a screen that is embedded horizontally on the surface of this table, making a literal reference to a drawing table and the ability for digital imaging to create, alter, distort, and skew. Using 2D and 3D animation, the subject only ever forms for a moment in time, and exists in a continual and fragmented state of motion. The screen is placed on a horizontal plane, and gives the viewer multiple positions to engage from. The pluralization of perspectives manifests itself in both the structural form and content of the animation, which activates all four corners of the composition. The indeterminate space these fragmented amalgamations live in aim to give us multiple ways of looking at the gendered body, through both a speculative and experimental lens.
Installation View(s)